Hi, I’m dr. orsolya Toth

I’m an author, coach and speaker. I’m the founder of New Evolution Coaching & Publishing. I’m committed to helping people heal from emotional trauma which can be drastic or subtle in appearance, yet its cumulative effects are always devastating on the mind and the body.

Several years ago, I discovered that my calling was to help others heal from emotional trauma. I know from personal experience the devastating impact of emotional abuse. As I looked around, I realised that I wasn’t alone. Soon, it became clear to me that most of us struggle with some degree of emotional trauma that blocks our life force, joy and creativity to a greater or lesser extent. I started my own healing journey about a decade ago and as I progressed, I decided that I was going to change the direction of my life and commit to supporting others who have suffered emotional violence and trauma.

I’m a qualified lawyer and I had a career both as a practising lawyer and as an academic. I worked for a top global law firm in the City of London as a disputes lawyer. Later on, I transitioned into academia and taught at a prestigious University in the UK. I also spent several years in Oxford, where I obtained a PhD in law and wrote an award-winning book published by Oxford University Press.

In my current work, I combine my skills as a rigorous academic researcher, a private-sector service provider and an intuitive who is fascinated by the nature of humanity.

Over the past decade, I released old survival patterns that were no longer serving me and I developed new tools in the process. I read everything I could get my hands on relating to this topic, I did thorough research and adopted a consistent meditation practice. I knew that if I wanted real change, the only place to find it was inside of me. The methods I developed have since been helping others and I am eager and happy to share them with you through my work.

What I discovered in my own healing journey is that it never ends: it’s a continuous process of expansion that takes you to ever higher levels of peace, contentment and well-being. Indeed, there is no upper limit to health and well-being. What started as a process of necessity to heal from painful wounds turned into a spiritual journey of self-discovery that I know will never end.

My wish is that you discover the same on your path and that your wounds that are causing you immense pain today will bring you peace and contentment tomorrow. The truth is, your wounds were never meant to destroy you, they were always meant to bring you healing and wholeness.